Daily Archives: March 25, 2017

Completion of My 30 Day Facebook Live Challenge

Well today was the final day of my 30 Day Live Facebook Challenge. As I did not do a Live for 30 Consecutive Days, it obviously took me a bit longer but I got there! Here was today’s Live, simply titled “Why?”


Even though I have done videos and public speaking before, it was a great refresher and challenging as the topics were all over the board and I never allowed myself much time to prep. I think the Facebook Live videos are better when they are more natural anyway.

A big thanks to the 30 Day Live Challenge Group, especially Paul, Fran, and Janet who also completed the challenge. The group hopefully will live on, if you would like to be a part of it you can click here. This group is almost better than taking the Dale Carnegie public speaking course. I highly recommend it. Now, it’s time for me to take the skills I learned and apply to my business. That starts, well, now!


Rob Gehring

Your Massive Success Coach


Learn more about me and my coaching business right HERE. If you like what you hear, feel FREE to fill out my survey to see if you are a match for what I have to offer.


To Your Massive Success!!!