Monthly Archives: February 2017

Shawshank Revisited

Shawshank Redemption is one of my favorite movies, possibly my most favorite. It really makes one think about patience and perseverance. Imagine waiting 20 years to make that break……..from whatever prison you are in. Plans, dreams, goals, its all possible……where do you want to go and how do you want to get there?

The big lesson from this movie is that sometimes we have to accept the circumstances that we are given, to a point. There is survival in the short term, but no matter what don’t let your dream die. Maybe you’ll have to crawl thru 300 yards of sh&t like Andy had to, but all that pain, life experience, and sacrifice could pay off when you are enjoying your little slice of paradise!
I think of my life, especially the fact that I have been marketing for quite a long time, yet have not reached the Million Level. I need to reflect on my success but also failures and reach into new discomfort zones to break thru on my promise of 5000-10000 per month. I have a plan to do it, come join me HERE

My most influential teacher

Let’s go back to the 4th Grade and I’ll tell you about my most influential teacher Sister Mark.


At that young age, she was the first person to challenge me and tell me not everything I did was perfect. Her influence was my first wake up call that you can’t just glide to get by. She called things as they were, and as I may not have liked it at the time, it was what I needed and now I’d like to thank her in this blog post and here is the video I did on Facebook earlier tonight. I hope you enjoy!



Rob Gehring

Your Massive Success Coach

Learn more about me and my coaching business right HERE. If you like what you hear, feel FREE to fill out my survey to see if you are a match for what I have to offer.


To Your Massive Success!!!

Why is trust so important?

Hey there! This weeks Blog Post is, coincidentally enough, the same as my Facebook Live 30 Day Challenge Video today. Roll the tape!

Trust is earned not a given. Trust happens not in a moment, but in a lifetime of doing the right thing; whether someone is looking for not. Trust is built on integrity, morals, character, values, and all the things that mom and dad said were right and just. Trust those that earn it; do your part to gain it; and by all means never waiver and good things will happen. Cast your bread unto the waters my children, for it will come back to you. That is something you can TRUST!

Rob Gehring

Your Massive Success Coach

Learn more about me and my coaching business right HERE. If you like what you hear, feel FREE to fill out my survey to see if you are a match for what I have to offer.


To Your Massive Success!!!


The Greatest Lesson You Have Learned in Life

Hey Again. Yes, as promised, it is Saturday Night and I am doing my weekly blog. This weeks topic was easy, as I am in a 30 Day Facebook Live Challenge Group so I have accountability partners keeping me honest and focused in this process. Today marked Day 2 of the challenge. Tomorrow being Day 3, I have aligned my blog with our groups topic which is, as the title suggests, the greatest lesson you have learned in life.


Obviously, as a man in his late 40’s, I have learned many lessons; but I am going to say the greatest lesson I learned was from my wife, who you can see, from a previous Blog I did has been a HUGE influence in my Life. Click HERE for that. So this specific lesson comes from the fact that life hands you various things. Some are good, some are challenging, and some leave you wondering, WHY ME! But, if you have faith in God, and God does everything for a reason, this helps you make sense of anything and everything. From the most bitter defeat to the most glorious victory, God has a plan for us. Let’s all live in the moment right now, let’s accept and embrace our past; and listen closely to what our mission here on earth is. I can hear mine, can you hear yours? If you are reading this, put your mission in the comments as I would love to hear it! Also tell me the greatest lesson you learned.

In summary, my wife’s philosophy has made an impact on me, making it the greatest lesson I have learned in my life. I am able to help, coach, and support some of the most wonderful people on earth. And that mission will continue. No matter what happens in my life or business I have a context to place it in. Sometimes its the simplicity that makes it all fall into place!


Rob Gehring

Your Massive Success Coach

Learn more about me and my coaching business right HERE. If you like what you hear, feel FREE to fill out my survey to see if you are a match for what I have to offer.


To Your Massive Success!!!