Category Archives: Uncategorized

Great Life Worldwide Traffic – Diamond Team International

Hello fellow Great Lifer! What’s one thing we all need to our Great Life Businesses? You guessed it! Traffic! I have something special for you. I have been in the traffic business for over 20 years, and offer Top Tier (T1) PAID Traffic that will bring leads and prospects to your business. You can bring me your corporate lead capture page, a splash page, or your own lead capture page. The page must lead to the corporate sales page. I will not accept the direct sales page because that will not be effective and I want to make sure you get the best value for your money. Just add follow up and you’ll be set!

Pricing is as follows:

100 Clicks – $50 – 50 cents per click

200 Clicks – $98

300 Clicks – $144

400 Clicks – $188

500 Clicks – $230

1000 Clicks – $450

2000 Clicks – $880

3000 Clicks – $1260

4000 Clicks – $1600 – 40 cents per click (Lowest Cost Per Click!)

If you are interested, send an email to with your name, great life link, how many clicks you seek, and the email address you’d like me to send your invoice. Once I receive Payment your link will be loaded and we’ll alert everyone on the start and stop dates. Generally it takes 2 weeks to receive your all of your traffic as we slow drip it. The deadline to receive your order for the August Co Op is Friday 8/2/24 11:59pm Eastern. Traffic will begin Monday 8/5/24. Note: Traffic Purchases are not refundable. Also, if you are using something other than the company lead capture page I can’t guarantee success (aka tour takers). We also recommend you call your leads immediately.

To Your Massive Success!

Rob Gehring – Great Life Platinum Leader



Welcome to GreatLife Team Massive Success!

If you are reading this you are a part of a select team taking part in THE BEST opportunity online, Great Life! So if you have not taken the FREE Tour, you can do so here. Great Life launched from American Dream Nutrition; a company known for top level nutritional products that has prospered debt free for close to a decade. We are currently building our one of the biggest teams in GreatLife (Team Massive Success part of Diamond Team International). Login to your GreatLife Account HERE. Make sure you are set up as a Life Coach and also with a Platinum Level Autoship or Order (or if you can’t do Platinum, go Gold or Silver); which is optional but highly recommended. 1 Product is Silver, 2 Products Gold, 3 Products Platinum. You can mix and match between Nutritional and Digital. If you do a Platinum Autoship or Order, you get a spot in our Team Rotator (Create the Blue Background funnel below or use the Company lead capture page) and a FREE TL2L Level Upgrade at my TL2ICashMailer site. When you bring in 3 life coaches, regardless of order level, you get Silver Rank and you’ll receive an upgrade to MSFMOD which is the highest I offer (750 dollar Value)!

GreatLife boasts a 2×16 forced matrix but offer coded bonuses to infinity. GreatLife also added great digital products to supplement the great nutritional product line in addition to becoming completely worldwide; and don’t worry, at $20 a month it won’t break your bank account plus there is no required monthly autoship (though it is recommended to leverage the compensation plan. You’ll want to try these wonderful products and level up to Platinum level ASAP (Be a product of the product). Also, once you rank up to a level you must have a monthly Autoship to that level in order to receive the coded bonus of that level ($3/$6/$10). A Platinum Autoship is required to hit Diamond Level. You can learn more about Diamond by Clicking HERE.

Login to your backoffice HERE: (Your Username is an ID Number)

You’ll find your ID number in your welcome email from the company. Your password you selected. If you forgot it, use the forgot password function. Familiarize yourself with everything available to you. Review all the nutritional and digital products that are part of the awesome assortment. Click on Digital Products Access on the left hand menu. It opens a separate window with a separate login. Use your registered email to reset the password for this. This is where you can upload your picture as well. You can also access your digital products from the Greatlife App. Download it from your app store and the login is the same as your digital products. Other things to do include setting up your E-Wallet, accessing all the great member resources and marketing materials, and coming to the weekly company call Thursdays at 9pm eastern. All this is found on your dashboard,

So now that you are on the team and placed and have logged into your backoffice, you’ll want to come over to our Facebook Group which is HERE. Just say Rob Gehring sent you from Team Massive Success. We do a weekly team meeting Monday’s at 8pm eastern, so keep an eye out for your invite and access to that. We also have another facebook group that focuses on health and our nutritional products which you can join HERE.The Rebels Against Aging group is a place you can invite your FB friends into to “lead” with the nutritional side of the business. Our upline Chip Pinard does training on how to utilize this strategy. CLICK HERE for some Facebook tips that I put together.

After familiarizing yourself with your backoffice and our team, the next big thing is to get out there and bring people in. To this goal, we have built a marketing funnel for your consideration. You will need to be a member of LeadsLeap to build these funnels. You can find LeadsLeap in the downline builder of the TL2ICashMailer. (See your sponsor for their link.) As a GreatLife Life Coach you get a FREE TL2ICM JV Upgrade (A $250 Value). As a GreatLife Coach with a Platinum Autoship you get the TL2ICM TL2L Top Level Upgrade plus a spot in our Team Rotator (Blue Background Page or Company lead capture page). When you rank Silver (regardless of order level), we move you to our MSFMod Upgrade, which is a 750 dollar value!

Now, onto the funnels…

You can use Trafficleads2income or LeadsLeap to build a free traffic lead capture page (funnel) branded to YOU. See your sponsor for their TL2ICM referral link.

You can also build a funnel for Paid Traffic, specifically my Paid Traffic Co Op. It is also the page that we use in our Team Rotator that I advertise in our Paid Traffic Co Op.

Share Codes:



Ty Page: (Creates Tour Takers)

OR (Goes right to the Sales Page)

OR Share Code: page-aNRNGfzZWw

Below is a great funnel set up video tutorial by one of our Great Life leaders and friend Chris Scicluna:

Here is a personal email you can send to your new leads that come in: (Folks that come in via the Free Tour Page)

Hi Prospects Name!

My name is Your Name, and I am your sponsor for Great Life. You made a great decision to join this company. We are worldwide with great nutritional and digital products. Also we have a compensation plan second to none. Complete your registration below to become a LifeCoach:
Please connect with me on Facebook once your LifeCoach Upgrade is complete so I can add you to our Team Chat and get your team training started.
Great things are coming your way!
Your Name – Leader at Team Massive Success @ Great Life/Call or Text:  4123022950

Here is a text message that creates engagement:

(Note the referral page link changed from when this text was sent.)

This was for a new Tour Taker but can be modified for a lead by simply taking out the company name and replacing it with Team Massive Success and the Free Tour with my Capture Page. The goal as always is to have our leads become tour takers and then into our Facebook Groups. If you have a Platinum Autoship you may refer your Tour Takers directly to my appointment calendar ( That is the third bonus for Platinum Autoship Team Massive Success members!

Finally, getting a domain name (I chose and getting business cards (You can do so in your GL backoffice) opens up the third pillar of success, Offline Marketing! Coupled with our Online Marketing and Facebook strategies you can only WIN and WIN BIG! We added a special funnel set up that features our Cherry Blaster energy product and sampling system. You can check out the set up HERE.

To Your Massive Success!

Rob Gehring – Leader of Team Massive Success @ GreatLife

Team Massive Success GotBackUp!

Welcome to Team Massive Success GotBackUp! Not a member? First be sure to join HERE then proceed with your training.

So, how did we get here? Well, we started as WeGotFriends and when WGF merged into GotBackUp; a Team of over 80000 affiliates (Team WeGotBackUp/WGBU) have taken the company by storm! Team Massive Success consists of 19176 affiliates within WGBU so we are one of the strongest teams in GotBackUp. This video talks about the merger so if you were a member of WGF you’ll want to pay attention to this:

So, you joined this great team and company, now what? Well, my advice is to learn your back office, Go through every inch of it. Make sure you have filled in your profile, set up your commission preference and W9, joined the company facebook group, and attended a live webinar or viewed a recorded one. With all these things done, it is time to begin your promotions.

Before you promote, make sure you are part of our Team Chat on Facebook. I am rob.gehring there so send me a friend request once you join and I’ll add you to the chat. You can contact me on Facebook HERE.

At this point we are creating our lead capture page. You will need to be a member of leads leap so see your sponsor for that. The reason we do our own LCP/funnel is that we can build our list independently and also capture a phone number for a more personalized follow up process. The lead capture page looks like this:

The share codes to build this lead capture page/funnel are:

Email Series: list-eGVWWVWWVNVu
LCP: page-aknMtwYNV

The Bridge Page is easy, it’s your GotBackUpTour Page.

Here is a video that covers the Team Massive Success GotBackUp Funnel set up and more:

From a Traffic perspective, there are FREE and PAID Traffic Options. See your sponsor for their TL2ICashMailer link and also participate in our Paid Traffic Co Op HERE.

Once folks fill in the form you’ve got yourself a lead and if they fill in the next form they become a pre-enrollee. Since I have a phone field on my lead capture form I send a text encouraging them to become a pre-enrollee. If they engage with me, I will give them my GotBackUpTour page. Ask for a sample text in the Facebook chat group as I test a lot of them and I would want you to have the best text available! Now, if you have a pre-enrollee you will want to give them this link (the text messages are very similar too):

All they need to do is enter their email address and they can view their powerline and upgrade from there. I encourage you to put in their email as well so you can verify from the Power Line view that you are their sponsor.

Connecting with your new lead or pre-enrollee on Facebook is powerful. Why? Well, you are not only connected with them but can invite them into the corporate FB group but also into the Team Facebook chat. Eventually they will make their way to our Wow group too. These are all areas that will help them get started and prosper. All paid members of our team also get a FREE JV Upgrade at my TL2ICM site. This will give you not just FREE advertising but also marketing training. We also offer a Paid Traffic CoOp. (See your sponsor for their TL2ICM link.) If you take a VIP Upgrade with GotBackUp I’ll take your TL2ICM upgrade up to the TL2L Top Level! Also, if you reach Copper Level under the new Comp Plan that rolled out 7/1/24 you get a MSFMOD Level Upgrade at my site. That is the highest I offer and a 750 dollar value!

Here is an email that you can use for pre-enrollees if you can’t reach them by text or a voice call.


Hi Name! Your Name here, your GotBackUp sponsor. Please click below to view your powerline (thousands are below you) and also a great video as to why this is a product everyone needs and how you can earn thousands from it.

Simply login above using the email address that this email was sent to. Once you are locked in as a paid member (Which only costs 29.97 your first month then 9.97 a month after that) then come join our Team Chat on Facebook and claim your Team Bonuses!

(Use your Facebook ID above)

This offer is time sensitive so act now! Login with your email address below and take action!

To Your Massive Success!
Your Name and Signature


Finally, once you get your pre-enrollee to upgrade now you simply want to place them and get them right into training. Click HERE for a video that I did regarding placement and the binary matrix.

To Your Massive Success!

Rob Gehring – Gold Leader of Team Massive Success at GotBackUp

The Massive Success Plan

Hey there!

If you are reading this you probably want to maximize your income. You should by now have joined the TL2ICashMailer and WOWApp. Congrats! Utilize the Downline Builder (Income) and Crypto sections at the TL2ICashMailer to join our other recommendations. Make sure you fill in all of your IDs. If you have not joined the TL2ICashMailer yet, do so HERE.

Start with the Income Section on the Downline Builder. join WOWapp then come to our WOWandBeyond Group. I am ghcamry there, send me an invite. Next you’ll want to pick at least of one of these lucrative opportunities. WeGotFriends, GotBackup, LiveGood, or Genesis Lifestyle Network. If you choose one of these at a paid level you’ll get a FREE JV Upgrade at TL2ICM giving you 40% Commissions, a Penny Per Click in the Cash Mail Inbox, 10000 weekly ad credits, and finally a customizable downline builder so you don’t give away signups in programs you aren’t involved in plus add those things that you are involved in! There is small income potential in some of the programs listed in the Resource and Crypto Sections and we’ll talk about some Bitcoin “Mining” later and in Step 5 at TL2ICM. I encourage you to book an appointment with me and/or your sponsor so we can discuss how achieve your income goals with a customized earning plan. Book HERE.

Now we move to the Crypto tab of the downline builder and offer you a powerful Bitcoin “mining” strategy that was developed by Mike Dodd as part of his “Whizpering” strategy. Start with Cointiply, engage there everyday by turning on the chat rain pool, rolling the faucet, viewing PTC ads, quests, and of course watching videos at Loot.TV (Note, there is no referral URL for Loot.TV). You can run this simultaneously with FreeBitCoin as a split screen in Chrome if you the Tab Resize browser extension. Here is a demo on some of these points from one of our Leaders Frank HesterHere is another training from Frank on how massive these cashouts can be if executed correctly. So, as you can see your coins at Cointiply will grow fast. Keep 35000 in your account so they earn interest. Work to get to 85000 so you can transfer 50000 to the next program in the lineup, FreeBitCoin! Use the bitcoin you receive there to buy FunTokens. Click HERE for the final video on how the complete Whizpering “Mining” System is put together and executed for Maximized profits.

Note: The Videos above reference a program called CryptoWin which we have removed from the system due to them stopping payment. If we can find a reliable program that can generate interest that can be moved to FBC, we will update you. In the meantime, Cointiply still works great and our system is fine without the CW intermediate “bridge”.

Once you have a good handle on the “Whizpering Strategy” check out the Satoshi Multiplier in the Resource Area of your TL2ICM Downline Builder. This will add more mining and income driving resources to your business.

CLICK HERE for a video by one of our leaders Kurt Tasche that will guide you in creating a FREE Traffic TL2I funnel and then a Paid Traffic Leads Leap Funnel. Both funnels use the Leads Leap Bridge Page and lead folks to WGF; but can be altered to lead back to TL2I or another of our recommended income sources.

This is the LCP for the TL2I Funnel:

This is the Thankyou Page (Leads to the WGF Registration Page):

This is the Paid Traffic Leads Leap LCP (Leads to the WGF Registration Page):

Special Bonuses for being a part of our Team Build:

  1. Entry in our Massive Success WowApp Group
  2. A 30 Day Upgrade at the TL2ICashMailer that can be extended per my discretion (30% Commission)
  3. 7 Step List Building plan at the TL2ICashMailer with training on how to build our Massive Success funnels. That’s powerful!
  4. By simply checking in everyday in our special Massive Success Group and meeting the other qualifiers, your page in Step 4 is entered into our Team Rotator( ) that is advertised in tons of mailers! This also enters you into our All Star Team where I help close your sales!
  5. Banners in Affiliate Toolbox at the TL2ICashMailer that you can use to advertise your special splash page. There are also an email template(s) you can use too.
  6. Once you meet with me (Rob Gehring) and have been given the Breakthrough Upgrade, your offers will be reset so a 14.97 quarterly upgrade will move you to JV Level! Click HERE to see what you get.
  7. An invitation to our paid Traffic Co Op where you get high octane advertising at a great price due to our Power Buying ability from a Top T1 Solo Email Ad Provider. Click HERE for details.

We have a daily plan we call 1-2-3. Here it is:

  1. Grab your UBI everyday at WowApp in the earnings area. (Lock in all your income steams.)
  2. Read the daily mail at Trafficleads2incomeCM and get paid up to .01 for doing so!
  3. Advertise your TL2I Lead Capture Page daily and follow up with your new team members. Remember, your business is part of the plan (add it to the tl2icm downline builder as a custom entry!) Rinse and Repeat Daily!!!

Here’s to your Massive Success in 2023 and beyond!

Rob Gehring – Owner of the TL2ICashMailer and Mentor/Coach for Team Massive Success

WeGotFriends Review Part 2

Thanks for plugging in again! I know, it’s been a minute since my last update. Last time we “talked” I showed you how I was building a large team at We Got Friends and that I had added it to the downline builder of my TL2ICashMailer site. Other than that, I’ve just continued to perfect the TL2I Marketing System, worked with my team which continues to grow, and enjoyed great daily coaching conversations with my Leads, Prospects, Customers, and Clients. Engage, Engage, Engage!

I’m getting back to videos again. In the beginning of May I did a Facebook Live and I am planning another one sometime next week. You may also remember my last YouTube Video where I talked a lot about the many ways to earn at We Got Friends. So now it is time for a new video. This one is going to cover the products and also my Team Massive Success Marketing System. You may view it below:

If you like what you saw above, then I recommend you register at WGF and then after confirming your email address and logging in; choose your Upgrade Package from the Financial Tab. Then get ready to start the Journey to Earning!

Yours truly,

Rob Gehring – Leader of Team Massive Success at WeGotFriends