The Massive Success Funnel
What You Need:
- Upgraded Membership at Trafficleads2incomeVM CLICK HERE TO LOGIN (Or See Your Sponsor if Not a Member)
- Upgraded membership at TheConversionPros
Login To Trafficleads2incomeVM above, then select an upgrade option in Step 1. Next, from your Trafficlead2incomeVM account, join Conversion Pros from the Resource Section of the Downline Builder and choose an income stream/primary business from the Income section or add your own. Conversion Pros pays you $25 per month per paid referral so this can become quite lucrative. Trafficleads2incomeVM pays up to 50% commissions on all the purchases of your referrals, including co op share. Couple this with commissions paid from our downline builder partners and we’re talking Multiple Streams of Income!
**Note that the primary component in this funnel is Conversion Pros. If you don’t want to join Conversion Pros take a normal upgrade at TrafficLeads2incomeVM and follow the 7 Training Steps there.**
The Flow:
Your visitor will see the ‘pocket’capture page and fill out the form where they are directed to the NLSfree page and encouraged to join Trafficleads2incomeVM and then take the next step.
The next step takes your visitor to our Telegram Group where they learn about The System and Setting it up. Click HERE to be taken to this group. Just make sure you are a member of Trafficleads2incomeVM.
This guide includes all the shared codes and a video on how to setup the Massive Success Funnel.
With the Massive Success funnel, we are generating subscribers as well as signups for The Conversion Pros, Trafficleads2incomeVM, and your Primary Business that you defined in the downline builder at TL2IVM plus any other entries you have in the DLB.
The Shared Codes:
Auto-Responder NLS prospects – 037b61c3
Initial Capture Page – “pocket” ebafc055
NLSfree – Shared code: cc57d9e8
The Setup:
Coming soon is a video set up tutorial…
Step 1:
Create the Auto-Responder Campaign (NLS prospects) and copy the code for the follow-up letters
From inside The Conversion Pros members area, on the left side, click on Auto-Responder Builder under the TCP Marketing Suite section.
Click on Create New Autoresponder
Under Label, enter My Prospects and click Submit
Now, still in the Autoresponder section, click on Email series, then from the drop down menu on the Create Message button click on Use Shared Code and paste the AR code in place and click copy (AR code – 037b61c3 )
Step 2:
Edit the Follow-up messages with your personal details
There are 5 messages, each needs your Name and email address at the top as well as your personal signature file (Name, Social Networks, Phone, etc.)
Each letter is different, check each hyperlink in each email and either add your TCP Username or your TL2IVM Username as indicated. Note that you will want to use the link shortener (TinyUrl) in the left column of Conversion Pros for your TL2IVM Referral URL. This will ensure that your emails have the lowest spam rating possible which means they will be delivered right to your prospects inbox!
Once complete, I recommend you go through each email again to verify all changes
Go back to the Campaign Details and change the status from inactive to active and save!
Step 3:
Create the Capture Page and Bridge Page (Thankyou Page)
The first step is to create the pages then go into each one individually to edit them.
To create the pages, go to the Landing Page Builder under the TCP Marketing Suite.
Scroll to the bottom of the page, if need be, until you see a space to enter a Code and Preview or Create the page.
Enter each code and click Create Page then move on to the next step to edit each page
pocket – 19ec6ce2 (this is the capture page)
NLSfree – Shared code: cc57d9e8 (this is the first redirect where they are introduced to Trafficleads2incomeVM)
Step 4:
Edit the Capture and Bridge Pages
Still in the Landing Page Builder section, we are now going to edit each page. Each page is a little bit different and it would benefit you to watch the Video, you can fast forward to that section
The Capture Page – pocket
Locate the page called pocket. To the right, you will see an edit button. Click the Edit button.
This opens a new window with your capture page ready to edit.
You will need to replace the username in the redirect url with your TCP username.
Replace ghcamry with YOUR TCP username
Then, under the Mail Campaign section, choose your NLS Prospects campaign that you setup. Make sure the form you choose asks for Name, Email, and Phone Number. By capturing a phone number, you increase your ability to connect with your prospects exponentially!!! Don’t worry, in our Telegram group we’ll cover with you how to follow up with your prospects to make it a fun and easy process for you. Follow Up Training is also provided in Step 7, Trafficleads2incomeVM.
Scroll to the bottom and click Save Lander
The First Page – NLSfree

Go back to the Landing Page Builder and locate Page NLSfree and click edit.
On this page, you are going to edit the links for First Program but not Next Step which are located under the video.
To edit the first link, mouse over the button that says First Step. This will popup a box to the left. On this box, locate the ‘Style A’ tab and click it. This opens a box in the upper left with tabs. Click the link tab.
The link displayed is
You will want to replace that with your TL2IVM Signup URL which is formatted as below.
Close the box
The Next Step button is the link to our Telegram Group so you don’t want to change that. Once in the Telegram Group your prospect will be welcomed and given this exact blog post to get their set up started. Leaders will be standing by to help and support, so they are not alone. Here’s hoping you become one of those leaders!
Once done, click on Save Lander on the left hand menu.
Note: It is recommended that you replace my video with your own custom video but you’ll want to keep the main themes of the video intact.
Your pages are now ready!
Step 5:
Test Your New Funnel!
Load your capture page into your browser and fill out the form. Your initial email may take a while to arrive, as long as you set the Campaign status to active, your first email should arrive within a couple hours.
Once you subscribe, go through each succeeding page and click the buttons to make sure all the links direct to your affiliate pages.
Note – This system will bring you FREE TL2IVM Members so you will want to follow up with them and bring them to our Telegram Chat group if they did not make it on their own. Your personal connection with your prospects coupled with our Support create a winning combination!
Step 6:
Send Traffic to your Capture Page (TL2IVM Traffic Co Op)
You will promote your pocket page:
Use the Training at Trafficleads2incomeVM to get immediate Free Traffic to your page. The only exception is not promoting at TL2IVM since everyone there is already a member. Use a different lead capture page for TL2IVM.
I invite you to use our Traffic CoOp at Trafficleads2incomeVM HERE.
You can also use Udimi Solo ads or MLM Leads to direct traffic to your new capture page.
Training for these programs can be found under Steps 5-7 in the Trafficleads2incomevm members area and the resources are in the TL2IVM Downline Builder (Resource Area).
To your Massive Success!
Rob Gehring – Leader of Team Massive Success and Owner of Trafficleads2income.com
Skype and Facebook: rob.gehring