A word about cookies……..courtesy of TrafficLeads2Income

Hi Again!

If you recall from last weeks blog…………

AffiliateToolBox has been added to the TrafficLeads2Income Downline Builder. Go there now and join, but first make sure your sponsor has done so first. When you click on Join at ATB, note at the bottom of the signup page the name of your referrer. This will give you the verification you'll need. While in the DLB, join the other new Traffic Exchanges just added, HitsViral and TrafficJamPro. Dwight from TJP just taught me alot about cookies. Not the kind you eat, but the ones that affect who you join a program under. I'm going to talk about that a bit at the conference tomorrow night; and blog about it next week.

So as promised, more about cookies, downline integrity, and due dilligence. So what is a cookie? Is it something you find at CookieJarHits? Actually Yes! CookieJarHits of course part of the TrafficLeads2Income Downline Builder (unless blocked by your sponsor – more on that later). What a cookie is in the terms of this article is a marker placed on ones computer when they click to join a particular site. If the cookie is set as first, that person is set as the sponsor no matter when they go back to actually complete a registration. If it is set to last, the last person (most recent) they have clicked on to join becomes the sponsor (overwriting the initial cookie).

So why would the owner of a site want first cookie set versus last, you may ask. Well, one of the reasons is that when a program has just launched, many people use special offers as bait so you will join under them versus someone else. In order to view the offer, they need to click to join. The first cookie prevents people from cycling thru various offers to pick which one is the best one. You are locked in with the first offer you view. Is this fair? I will leave this as a rhetorical question for now. Also, in Internet Marketing terms, the justification also becomes "I told you about it first!" Of course this is virtual telling, and if you don't join then something was missing, the "sale" was not closed.

The thought process on last cookie is that folks who go beyond internet marketing techniques; meaning personal followup, may be able to persude someone to join something they were considering (perhaps from an unknown source) by explaining the features and benefits while being able to offer support as well. The definition of this person is a Networking Internet Marketer. The first cookie penalizes them, the last cookie rewards them.

So then, this brings us to what you can do as the referral. Ultimately, its your choice who you join something under. Always ask yourself this question. Are they going to disappear like dust in the wind when I need help, or be there when I need help. If the latter is not important to you, so be it. There are many people that really require and expect that of their sponsor. Before you go to the downline builder of TrafficLeads2Income, check on who your sponsor is. You can do so by Reviewing Step 2 in the 11 Steps of Success. Now, when you click on a program you want to join in the downline builder, check to see if their name is on the site or on the signup page. Most programs give you that information, so it is up to you to know who you are joining under before you submit your signup form. If it doesn't match what you expect, you can try clearing your cookies (remember the discussion above). If that doesn't work, maybe they are not a member of that program. Contact them and at least give them the courtesy of 24 hours to give you an answer. They will respect you so much for that, as you would if someone did this for you.

Another question that comes up about our downline builder is what to do if my sponsor blocks a program? Well, same rule as above, contact them and give them 24 hours to tell you why and what alternative they have for you. Ultimately, you have the perogative to go to the main domain of that program and join. No one, ultimately can stop you from doing anything, but if you know you are operating in a fair manner and communicating with your sponsor, you have nothing to stress about. As leaders in a community, you also need to be sensitive to who ones sponsor is, and always refer them back to this individual.

To learn more cookies, and our new Video in Step 7 of the 11 Steps of Success, please join us at 9:30 PM Est Sunday 9/11/11. Access to the conference room is at the following page:


You can invite your friend from our Facebook Event Page. The Select Guests to Invite button is in the upper left below the TrafficLeads2Income graphic.

See You At the Conference!


Rob Gehring – Admin and Owner of RobsNetworkers and TrafficLeads2Income

Skype:   rob.gehring

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