Hi Again! Click HERE for Part 2 of the story of you missed it.
So, it’s the start of the New Millennium and I was continuing to roll with DHS Club. I would advertise anywhere I could, and also learned to use AOL Messenger to chat with prospects and downline. That would be a skill I would utilize greatly for years to come! My downline was growing large, and at that time the hook was join FREE and watch your downline grow. So with that, you were given members in addition to your own personal efforts. The end of the month is where the rubber met the road, for if you did not upgrade by 1159pm; your downline was lost forever! I would stay up and watch to see what would happen; and yes, some would upgrade and I would celebrate and maybe move up a rank. There was ranks like Team Leader, Team Captain, Managers, and even Directors! I was in heaven with all this as I dreamed to replace my career with a work at home career.
One day, my upline Executive Director Tom called with an offer. When Tom called, it was like deep throat in the Watergate days, as he spoke kind of in a hushed monotone. You had to catch it the first time, as there was no repeating! The directive was to join his ad co op (Point of Irony, I run a Co Op now). I believe a share was $25 bucks, and yes, I would get leads/signups etc. So I swallowed hard and anted up. Well, it started good but then there was an issue. In hindsight, Tom was probably shut down for spamming and such so he needed to refund the money. I ended up getting a check from Tom which bounced and the bounce fee basicly wiped out most of my commissions. Tom was later ejected from the organization when former owner Dick Burke cleansed his organization of these types of leader/snakes and redid his team structures, comp plan, etc.
Ok, so this was my first of many stingers but I kept going and next week I’ll tell you about meeting Mr. Burke in person. Just as an aside, DHS is now Club Shop Rewards and I am in like my 3rd stint with them in a fairly passive position. You can check them out here, especially if you like to earn rewards from online shopping. Until next time…
Rob Gehring – Owner of Trafficleads2incomeVM and Leader of Team Massive Success