Hi Friends!
I’ve been sort of away a while, from a blogging standpoint for sure. So today I wanted to update you on a few things. First off, my daughter is getting ready to do to the University of Arizona.
Her move in day is 8/18!

We knew this day was coming, so we’ve been steadily downsizing from a 4 Bedroom House on 3 Floors to a 2 Bedroom Apartment. Feels good to go light, but it is also a bit sad to know that phase of our journey is completed. We will miss our daughter, as we do our son; but we also understand this will be an exciting time for her and that is very gratifying.
Another opportunity of this downsize is to reconnect as a couple now that the nest will be empty. This kind of reminds me of when I was just starting out with my first apartment and then how we found an apartment together. Over time, you get bigger. The starter home becomes the family home and the years just whizz by. I really look forward to this new chapter of our lives as we have also just celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary!
So what does this have to do with business? Well, I’m often told I write too much about business and not enough on other topics. But I think we can all agree that just about everything can be related back to business. So let’s talk downsizing your business. Are you………
- In too many opportunities?
- Promote multiple things at one time?
- Have too many mailers and traffic exchanges?
- Just feel overwhelmed by it all?
- Or so new you don’t know where to start?
Well, I have the solution! My Online Marketing Mastery consultation sessions are not only FREE but help you get you and your business organized. You may also pick up a life tip along the way too. 30 minutes of your time to change your life? Well, maybe that is a bit dramatic but I have learned a small paradigm shift can potentially create larger ones in the future. So, all I can say now if book your spot below:
Please share your comments, they are appreciated! Scroll to the very bottom of this article.
Rob Gehring – Owner of Trafficleads2incomeVM and Mentor/Coach for Team Massive Success and Genesis Lifestyle Network
I can relate to ask you are saying, Rob. My youngest daughter and her husband moved to Oregon at the beginning of the year. My oldest daughter is moving to Oregon on 9:15/2021 to be with them.
So we have a 3600 sf five bedroom three and a half bath house.
I have been looking to get out of a bunch of mailers that I have that I don’t use so I will be looking to downsize a lot in the near future.
Downsizing is very important in business, it’s so easy for things to “pile up” and seem overwhelming. Downsizing and organizing are imperative. READERS … book your appointment with Rob today, you will be glad you did, I promise you!
Loved the post Rob. The way you connected the two thoughts of personal and business life and aspects. Everything and everyone are connected.
Very nice blog. I am thinking of moving someday to a place where i do not have to worry about a pool.
I am in mailers and the only thing i wish is that you can read the ads in an inbox instead of an email.
I agree. I am in several programs right now and it is overwhelming at times. Great post