Consignment Agreement In Fusion

The shipping storage process begins with a buyer handing over a delivery contract with a supplier. The shipping agreement contains the terms of the delivery agreement between the trading partners, the items to be purchased in shipment and the price associated with the items. At 660, the opening date of the billing cycle is set at an initial billing cycle and the billing cycle completion date is set at a second later date in the purchase-frame contract with the batch process, if the completion date of the batch process is greater than the completion date of the billing cycle. In some forms of execution, the opening date of the billing cycle may be set on the first next date and the date for clearing the billing cycle to one second on the frequency. In addition, in some forms of execution, at least one consumer transaction for a previous reference period, which was introduced during the reference period, can be recorded in batch mode. In these forms of implementation, a previously established consumer advice may be revised to include at least one consumer transaction using the batch method. The river will stop. At 520, a consignment order is generated for one or more stored items shipped, the order of consignment referring to the framework purchase contract. In some forms of execution, the order of shipment can be generated in response to a request for a request for one or more dispatched storage items received by a purchase system.

The river then rises to 530. You can create consumption tips at different levels of resume. You can create a single consumption recommendation for each organization and article, for example.B. The consumer advice option is paid on the consignment contract. The process of creating consumer advice uses this value to determine how consumer advice should be generated. The synthesis options for consumption instructions include: 530 are generated a supporting document in response to the receipt of one or more dispatched storage items, the receipt referring to the order of consignment. The river then rises to 540. In addition, the consignment warehouse supply system can consolidate the necessary delivery conditions with the existing purchase and price conditions in the purchase framework contract. This may eliminate the need to create and maintain an ASL entry in order to establish a record-keeping relationship between trading partners.

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