1. The Governor will not stop the amounts of contributions to infrastructure funds for Dieinnisch Fellows, as indicated in Part 684 of this chapter. The appropriate portion of the funds that must be made available by the beneficiaries of the native program to pay for the infrastructure from a single source must be determined as part of the development of the agreement, as described in the provisions of S. 678,500 and defined in this agreement. c) In some situations, the Governor does not set infrastructure costs for certain counterparty programs from an intermediate station under the government`s financial mechanism. b) As part of the state funding mechanism, the Governor determines, subject to the limitations of paragraph (c) of this section, the contributions of partners from an intermediary station, after consultation with key elected officials, the local WDB and the national WDB. This provision includes: a) In accordance with Article 121 (h) (1) (a) (i) (II) of WIOA, where the local WDB, elected official and partners from a single source fail to reach a consensus agreement on methods of funding the costs of central infrastructure for a program year, the state funding mechanism for the local sector for this programming year applies. 2. In states where political decision-making power is transferred to an agency or official, the governor`s authority over funds for adult education and literacy activities approved under WIOA Title II are technical education measures and activities in accordance with the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act 2006 , or VR services amended by title WIOA-IV of Title I of the Rehabilitation Act 1973 (other than paragraph 112 or Part C) the amount that each partner must contribute to support the infrastructure costs of power plants must be made by the official or chief officer of the company with that power. , in agreement with the governor. (d) Any obligation, capacity, choice, responsibility or other action related, by other means, to the determination of contributions to the infrastructure costs allocated to the Governor in Sections 678.730 to 678,745 also applies to this decision-making process conducted by the official or principal official referred to in paragraph (2) of this section. (3) The calculation of national program caps required for contributions to infrastructure costs from individual stop partnership programs in areas operating under the state`s financial mechanism, in accordance with the provisions of s.
678.738. (1) the application of a budget for infrastructure costs from a single source, as described in Article 678.735, based either on an agreement reached during negotiations on the local territory or on the state WDB formula, as described in State Article 678.745; (2) Determining the proportionate use of the single source delivery system and the relative benefits of each local single-desk partnership program, in accordance with the uniform guidelines in Part 200 of the CFR, including federal cost principles, partner program licensing laws and rules, and other applicable legal requirements under this directive. 678.736; There you go.