Another peculiarity of human subjects is the unusually high number of double chords, a characteristic that is lacking in all other categories, with the exception of a single sentence (e.g. 11) in which two rivers are the subjects.36 The adverbs of sentences of the same meaning give the same results. The adverb h`ma (“together,” “at the same time”) is at first glance difficult to compre compatible with a convergent interpretation, as is the Arabic equivalent of Aoun et al. (1994).25 Still in Homer, we find that in the two cases where two warriors converge in the same place, one prefers plural or duel (Il. 9.170 and 10.196-197). But, exx. 13 and 14 show that a partial agreement is entirely permissible in such cases. William Badecker. 2007. A principle of characteristics for a partial agreement. Lingua 117 (9): 1541-1565.
In the general corpus as in sample B, a close conjunction agreement (i.e. the situation in which it is the subjects closest to the verb and which trigger the agreement) predominates. By checking the records, we found only two cases where the AP is triggered by the farthest subject. They are reported in the exx. 8 (one case of coodinates) and 9.21 For subjects coordinated with “coordinating” conjunctions, the relationship between unresolved agreements appears to be consistent with the general trend; or-coordinate, although much less evidenced than and coordinated, show a more marked trend for singular concordance. The general data from the two treebeds, reported in tab 4, confirm that there is a link between the type of coordination (and coordination or coordination) and the choice of construction. A chi-square test for independence shows that this correlation is very significant (χ2 = 21.90, df = 1, p < 0.001), but the effect size (φ = 0.142) is rather weak.18 Moreover, a reading of the contribution of the different cells of tab. 4 to the chi-square test (Gries 2009: 175) shows that the two combinations that are contributing the most to the highly significant outcome are the or-coordinate with singular agreement (10.24) and especially with plural agreement (10.67).19 This result may therefore be too influenced by the scarce number of observations for or-coordinates to be conclusive. To confirm the results of our review of AGDT and PROIEL, it is therefore necessary to work more on Gold coordination. In the AP, the cognitive and linguistic link between the trigger subject and the verb therefore seems closer: when subjects are made on the same line and the verb occurs below, the plural chord is more often triggered than the singular. But what is clear is the stronger link between the subjects that form the unifying sentence in the case of PR. While, as we have seen, the ornament between them is extremely rare, the sender can quite often separate the verb from the connected subjects (see z.B.
z.B e.g. 1, quoted above). A partial agreement seems to be a very pervasive phenomenon within the GA. The singular agreement is more common (in about 56% of cases) in the AGDT, while in 46% of cases it is attested in PROIEL. Considering these general frequencies in the two corporatists described above (tab. 17 It is interesting to note that the oscillation between RA and PA is a case, although remarkable and relatively frequent, of the possible difference between the trigger and the objective that may occur in natural languages.